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Yggdrasil Casino on Facebook and in Dutch!

Today is a very special day, and not just because it is Easter! From this moment on you can find the website of Yggdrasil Casino in multiple languages. This means that the Dutch players will have a translation of this website available at all times, if they simply go to the domain ending with .NL. On that website they can also learn all about the latest online casino games and the Yggdrasil casino which is best suited for their needs. For all other players who would rather read in English you can simply stay on the English language page. If you wish to change languages, you can click the flag icons that are showing on the right hand side of your screen.

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Disclaimer is an independent website which is not connected to Yggdrasil Gaming. This website shows the latest news about the software by Yggdrasil Gaming and the online casinos that offer this software. The official website of Yggdrasil Gaming can be found here.